and going for a run (that was at 6:45 am, by the way). I never thought I'd get to the point where I'd go out to exercise and get this on my Nike + screen.
I never thought the clothes I had to squeeze myself into now look like clown clothes. I never thought I'd look like this again.
So, how does it feel to be 50 pounds (and going...) lighter? It feels amazing. I feel like I can do anything in the world If i put my mind to it. I feel healthier. I fee like I don't have all that weight hanging down on me. I feel liberated from the chains of fast food and unhealthy food choices. I feel younger and I feel more spontaneous. I feel like I can go up the 6 flights of stairs to work and not be out of breath. I feel like I can give my old clothes to Goodwill and get new ones. I feel like not eating anything that comes out of a box and growing all my food instead! Alas, that goal has been dampened by the demise of my squash plants :( I sadly had to euthanize about half of them after they succumbed to powdery mildew
I'll try again next season!
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